Jul 3, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Thanks so much for your informed and balanced assessments of both Russia and Ukraine, to counteract US, NATO, UK priopaganda, fostered by NeoCons, CIA and others. Very worrying that our press, and most mainstream US is so uncritical; knowing little or no history. Am primarily an Italian historian, but in broader teaching long ago dealt with Poland, Lithuania and tsarist Russia. Later knew about the western Ukrainians’ involvement in killing a million or so Jews. From US programmes by Judge Neapolitans, or Redaction, while my Anne L. Accesses Israeli and German assessments. Keep up your informed campaign.

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Thank you for the support, Christopher. The truth we speak is by far the most powerful weapon.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Лично мне вся эта ситуация напомнила " Кровавое воскресенье ", поэтому я обрадовалась, что-все таки воскресенье не стало "кровавым", а это значит, что мы растём духовно, Россия и Беларусь впереди планеты всей шагает из 3д реальности в 4д

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Thank you for a great article and an excellent analysis , John! I hope all be good in Russia!

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Thank you

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Very insightful to draw parallels between the Wagner march and the US 1/6 'insurrection'. In both cases, some facts are cloudy, but when one compares features that are known, many are similar. To me, from a distance, the response of Putin and the Russian state looks considerably more restrained and intelligent than the US response to 1/6.

Something that seems quite relevant to the analysis, but I did not see mentioned here: More than one report has stated that of 25,000 total Wagner troops, only 7,000 followed Prigozhin on the march. Is this true? If so, it seems to indicate a high level of patriotism amongst the ranks. Perhaps June 24 need not be the end of service for these skilled fighters?

It definitely seems that the big mistake here was that unrest and dissatisfaction was not dealt with sooner.

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Thanks for the comment and good points. We know only a portion of what truly happened, but still must do our best to analyze events.

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I think we can only ascertain the truth of this content by watching who is appearing in videos in Moscow alongside Putin. Those who fail to appear, IF they fail to appear, we might then conjecture are deposed from their positions, or even arrested.

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