Trump/ Musk won't destroy the Deep State. They want to reform the machinery of global empire marred by years of massive corruption. But will their efforts sink the U.S. like Gorby sank the USSR?
two points with which I disagree; first, the dollar as international currency is not an "exorbitant privilege" (see Michael Pettis); (2) the Fed is not (under Powell) "a globalist institution"; it was under Yellon. But the shift from LIBOR to SOFR and draining the world of Eurodollars ; ie from London to NY is not "globalist" (see Tom Luongo)
two points with which I disagree; first, the dollar as international currency is not an "exorbitant privilege" (see Michael Pettis); (2) the Fed is not (under Powell) "a globalist institution"; it was under Yellon. But the shift from LIBOR to SOFR and draining the world of Eurodollars ; ie from London to NY is not "globalist" (see Tom Luongo)