A War on the Deep State, to Save It
Trump/ Musk won't destroy the Deep State. They want to reform the machinery of global empire marred by years of massive corruption. But will their efforts sink the U.S. like Gorby sank the USSR?
There’s much euphoria in the U.S. these days, and I must admit that it even gets me riled up in a good way. Finally, we are vindicated — every day brings new revelations about the vast corruption and evil in the U.S. government and its affiliated structures in the private sector.
Over the past five years we were vilified, ostracized and persecuted for speaking the truth — careers destroyed, as well as friendships and families. Yet, we were right every time.
In 2020, when we said that Covid-19 came from a lab, we were ridiculed; but today, we know the CIA/ Pentagon financed its creation. Then we decried corruption in Big Pharma that forced untested ‘vaccines’ on the public; now, hundreds of lawsuits are filed by the many victims of that horrific medical experiment. We risked our careers when speaking out against the false narratives and censorship under Biden’s regime; now, the corrupt legacy media is exposed for being on Biden’s payroll.
Thus, I share the joy of conservative media, as they gush over what they believe is Trump/Musk’s war on the Deep State. But while their crusade has produced some good results, it’s already clear that their goal is the same as those they’re fighting — to reinvigorate the empire.
There are two warring Deep State factions that only disagree on the means and tactics to achieve global domination. The kleptomaniac liberal globalist elite that controlled the U.S. for the past 25 years has failed miserably and nearly bankrupted the country. Trump wants a lean and mean U.S. empire; one that chooses battles wisely, seizing territories that are easy pickings and profitable, while avoiding fights with powerful opponents such as Russia that end in disgraceful defeat.
Just as Mikhail Gorbachev tried to save the Soviet system by reforming it, so Trump/ Musk think this is the last chance to save the bankrupt U.S. from collapse. The irony, however, (as you’ve already guessed), is that Gorbachev’s so-called reforms only hastened the demise of the once mighty Soviet Union. Might Trump and Musk be putting the U.S. on a similar trajectory?
Musk, the real force behind Trump with his $250 million gift to the campaign, is a pivotal figure in the ranks of the Deep-State. Each year, his companies receive roughly $3 billion in orders from the Pentagon, CIA, and other U.S. government agencies. Why would Musk bite the hand that feeds him? And why would those institutions do business with Musk if his goal was to destroy them?
Musk is a technocrat who dreams of dominating humanity in the interests of ‘progress’, pursuing a vision of merging man and machines in a world managed by AI technologies. He worships Efficiency as a deity, even at the price of crushing humanity. In short, Musk is an enemy of humanity, as we have seen with his support for the brutal totalitarian regime in Kiev.
Musk must be acting with the blessing of a powerful faction inside the Deep State. We’re witnessing a civil war among the American elite. A new generation is coming to the fore — savvy young tech wizards led by Musk who will constitute a new class of high priests in the elite. They want control over the temple of American power.
Don’t get me wrong — I enjoy watching Musk in action, tearing down corrupt globalist institutions, such as USAID. I’m just saying we shouldn’t have any illusions about his ultimate goal. On the eve of Trump’s inauguration, Musk said the goal is: “to make America strong for the rest of this century, for centuries and forever”.
Mike Benz, an ideologue who has Musk’s ear, was even clearer in an interview with Tucker Carlson late last week. “We are doing open heart surgery on the vital organs of the American empire, but I am pro-empire as long as it helps the Homeland.”
“I don’t think it should be vanquished entirely,” he added, referring to the Deep State. “They’ve done terrible things and they’ve gone rogue and done horror’s beyond your wildest imagination, but at the same time these are parts of the American ‘family’ that I believe our foreign policy planners know are responsible for our prosperity.”
Indeed, the dirty little secret that few Americans want to acknowledge is that our prosperity in large part depends on murderous and nefarious operations carried out by the CIA and Pentagon. Their job is to eliminate any threat to the status of the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency, which allows Americans to access cheap credit and feed the national addiction to wild consumerism.
The crucial test in Trump/Musk’s crusade will be his willingness to go after the Federal Reserve Bank, which stands at the heart of the Deep State. The Fed is the ultimate corrupt and opaque tool of global domination.
The Fed will have to be taken and secured by Trump/Musk’s forces, but a prolonged fight for control of the Fed — an institution firmly in globalist hands — could unleash consequences that result in a major financial crisis.
Which brings us to the next logical question — Will Trump/Musk’s effort to reform the U.S. behemoth end in its demise. To borrow from Mike Benz’s analogy — will the patient die on the operating table? That’s possible, and that’s what happened to the Soviet Union when Mikhail Gorbachev began tinkering in the late 1980s.
Given the massive extent and depth of corruption in the U.S. political system and society, successfully reforming it seems unlikely. The country is a house of cards that can come tumbling down if one part of the machinery is yanked away.
If this transpires, it doesn’t mean the U.S will disappear from the map or will it descend into civil war. Rather, we’d see the U.S. neutered and transformed into a weaker and more constructive nation, one’s whose geopolitical appetites wouldn’t extend far beyond its border. And that’s good news.
A relative collapse of the U.S. empire would be the best outcome for the American people and the entire global community. The U.S. would be forced to engage in diplomacy and dialogue with other countries based on mutual respect and constructive engagement, not threats, violence and conquest.
Trump might just be right, perhaps we are on the cusp of a golden age — one in which the U.S. becomes a productive member of the civilized community of nations in a multi-polar world.
two points with which I disagree; first, the dollar as international currency is not an "exorbitant privilege" (see Michael Pettis); (2) the Fed is not (under Powell) "a globalist institution"; it was under Yellon. But the shift from LIBOR to SOFR and draining the world of Eurodollars ; ie from London to NY is not "globalist" (see Tom Luongo)