I very much appreciate your sending this news report from February 22, 2014 from a source that is generally reliable but apparently didn't understand the technical word/concept/translation of impeachment at the time of the 2014 reporting. Yanukovych was indeed voted to be removed from office by Parliament after he fled the undisputed threats to his life and the violent occupation of the capital (financed by $5 billion USaid and led by neofascist Bandera groupies). However, if you would check Wikipedia (and related sources), you would find that there was no impeachment (Yanukovych was replaced because, after being violently driven out of the capital, he no longer could rule); impeachment according to the Ukraine constitution of the time required that the President actually be guilty of a crime and so was never attempted.

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Thank you for your true analysis and your trying to save people from Donbass and others newly attached states of Russia, John! I cry about them since 2014, especially I am crying at the moment. I hope Russia will be able to save them, also I want to ask all good people of the Earth for helping to protect them from Ukrainian terrorists. I am pity that USA and Europe to continue sending a lot of arms to Ukrainian terrorists and urge them to slay the children of Donbass!

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Thank you Natalia for the comment and sharing your concern. The entire civilized world feels as you do; and most Americans would agree with you, except here is a tremendous amount of disinformation and lies in our media, which is controlled by Biden. But I believe that 2023 will be the year when this House of Lies collapses.

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I find it curious that you have a very selective retelling of history here. You realize that Yanukovich was impeached, right?

And you seem to be forgetting that Russia invaded Crimea BEFORE they held a referendum. And you seem to think that was a free and fair referendum with the Russian military there?

Sounds similar to recent referendums in the 'new territories,' right? Curious... But yeah, free and fair referendums.

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Charles, Please take a journey to Crimea and Donbass, and then I will be happy to talk more about this. I've been following this issue for 30 years; spent most of my adult life in the region. The facts are all very clear, and you are distorting them.

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So Russia didn't invade Crimea on Feb 27th? You have a different version of history there And then the referendum wasn't held on Mar 16th to justify their invasion?

So perhaps your years of experience can lay out for me how you hold a free and fair referendum in three weeks post a foreign government invading your country...

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Hey Charlie, good buddy!

Did you not know that there was no impeachment of Yanukovich? Wikipedia can sometimes be a possibly useful source to examine to start to get some facts/information/references before making untrue statements. A leader fleeing an armed uprising financed by $5 billion from the USA is not a legal impeachment, although I can certainly understand your confusion given all that Hunter Biden's Dad says/does, along with the other stooges of Exxon-Mobil, Burisama, and the manufacturers of weapons of death.

You are correct in asserting that a referendum under occupation by any military may have questionable validity. However, that could easily be resolved with a referendum under neutral UN administration (without any NATO, Ukrainian, or Russian military forces) but that is forbidden by Ukrainian law (and anyone in the EU who evaluated the validity of the referendum that was conducted has now been sanctioned by the EU!). I don't think a referendum evaluated by a neutral body would change the result that the people of southeastern Ukraine and Crimea would rather be part of Russia than part of Ukraine, at least since the USA-financed coup in 2014 that brought the Ukrainian ethnic cleansers/fascists into power. I have heard from one Ukrainian refugee in Poland who indicated that one of her pro-Ukraine friends had stayed behind in Mariupol after the war in 2022 started. That friend was forced to vote in the referendum about being annexed by Russia. When that friend refused, she was told just to vote against the annexation, which she did without any repercussions whatsoever (she was one of the 5% or so against annexation by Russia).

I have communicated with numerous Ukrainians since the 2022 war started, and I have been amazed to find out that they all think that Bandera is a hero (and possibly even a saint). Any statement about Bandera's part in the mass murder of Poles and Jews by Ukrainian Nazi collaborators in WW II (and thereafter) is widely considered by Ukrainians to be Russian propaganda (do you also believe in such drivel promulgated by the Ukrainian press?).

I have heard from one Ukrainian in a city near the current frontlines that those heard to be speaking Russian are subject to beatings or worse. On the other hand, I have heard that it was fine to speak Russian in western Ukraine before 2022.

I really must ask you a question, Charlie good buddy: do you work for the CIA, or are you merely a dupe of CIA propaganda?



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Hey Austin good buddy!

Here's the link to the Al Jazeera story about the impeachment. So all this was made up?


Stop the gaslighting good buddy!

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Hi Charles, thanks for all this, but none of negates the fundamental underlying issues -- NATO expansion and de fact conquest of Ukraine had been decided in Washington and Brussels. That is the root cause of this conflict. Moscow can't and won't tolerate a NATO-Ukraine, just like the USA would never tolerate Mexico in a military alliance with Russia. It's Geopolitics 101. I'm not saying anything terribly complicated.

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So it's Ukraine's fault it was invaded? That's your argument? Now you're just blaming the victim, John. Might I remind you that Ukraine is not part of NATO.

So what explains the Russian presence in Moldova and Georgia? You're going to claim that somehow those Russian controlled areas are somehow Washington and Brussel's fault as well?

You're just a Russian apologist. If Russia's war in Ukraine is successful, the next domino to fall will be Moldova. And then maybe Georgia? That's Geopolitics 101, John.

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