Aug 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli

I disagree on one point: the U.S. has never been respectful to American Indians.

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Very true. Good point.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Thank you for an interesting research and great article, John! I have never thought about it this way. Turned out these bad guys had good intentions! Indeed, the road to hell is paved with good intentions!

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Thank you

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These men are actually very principled and think they fight for a just cause, but their minds have been completely twisted. Under different circumstances, you would want such people on your side.

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Good point. In addition to Russia, I worked closely with Ukraine for many years. Most Ukrainians are like Russians (with the exception of west Ukraine). This horrible conflict is basically a civil war. I saw with my own eyes, how otherwise decent Ukrainians were radicalized by an evil, hateful ideology that once made common cause with Nazism.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli

The Ukraine narrative is already falling apart, looking at ‘popular’ support in the MSM for this war and even the most diehard and naive flag wavers are beginning to question what’s going on, where are those hundreds of billions of dollars going to? Why does Zelensky look like an out of place thug wearing green T shirts at Met style galas of the EU political elites?

For those of us who still have intact critical thinking skills this whole ‘war’ was a Wag the Dog style movie from the very beginning.

For those not familiar with the movie reference, https://youtu.be/steA_PZPkc8

As for Western mercenary losers, they deserve their fate, Russia is more compassionate towards Ukrainian soldiers who were forcibly conscripted and had no choice in fighting.

Those that surrendered weren’t summarily executed as the western MSM likes to portray but are in camps till this is over with.

However, the same fate doesn’t await those who are clearly Azov Battalion or are western mercenaries who are shown little mercy, precisely because ideologically they are like the Japanese WW2 soldiers, they refuse to question any of their beliefs and think they’re completely right and justified in whatever they do.

I think “Ukrainianism” is failing in the West, too many people are beginning to question the narrative and support is shrinking by the day.

What will kill it completely is when western governments move to send troops into Ukraine, and I think the ghosts of Vietnam will quickly rise up to remind westerners, especially Americans of what blind allegiance to politics means in human terms.

The truth about Ukraine is coming out, from the pervasive corruption to biolabs and those deeply connected to that country will be exposed.

The Biden crime family won’t be the only ones exposed, only the first ones.

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Excellent comment. Thank you. The analogy with Vietnam is very appropriate, because I think American books on the ground is inevitable. That's where all the White House propaganda is leading to -- the idea that this is an epic generational conflict and we must stop Putin no matter the cost.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Carl Sagan said this in 1997:

"I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time - when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what *feels good* and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness."

Hating Russians somehow "feels good" to the cult. I do not know why.

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Excellent point. Indeed, I’ve noticed that people and institutions in the USA just absolutely love to berate and malign Russia. It must be some primeval urge to have an enemy upon which it’s possible to direct one’s aggression, anger and feelings of insecurity.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Even though the Soviet Russians did more to defeat Hitler than the combined efforts of the US, England and France, after Hitler was gone, the US Military-Industrial Complex needed a new enemy to continue arms manufacturing.

Russians became that enemy and were demonized by the US/British Propaganda constantly since the end of WWII.

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USA/EUpuppet propaganda needs a scapegoat for their corruption and economic disasters inflicting harm on the majority, and Putin/Russia is it today (in a similar environment of fascist rule/war, Goebbels scapegoated the Jews and Bolsheviks, i.e., Russia in other words, thus motivating the forefathers of the fascists ruling Ukraine today to murder tens of millions of Communists but especially Jews, Poles, and Russians). It is sad that so many from the USA/EU give their lives for such lies/fascism. But someone must die so that Hunter Biden may live in freedom (the Ukrainians probably have a huge amount of information about the Bidens' crimes that would be released if Joe ever stopped supporting the fascists in Ukraine, likely including a lot of Biden family sex with underage Ukrainian women).

There was an interesting, officially public claim out of Ukraine today that Ukraine controls a bunch of spies/agents in Russia


Nazi Germany similarly propagated such lies in the 1930s, but unfortunately Stalin and Beria believed such garbage and engaged in a purge that resulted in tens of thousands of innocent people being executed/exiled in 1938, including many military leaders (and even the Communist Pole Rostokowski, who was, after 2 years of prison/torture, released to become the best general of the USSR and was instrumental in the Soviet victories at the battles of Moskow, Stalingrad, Kursk {the fight for which in 1943 is so similar to today's fighting in southern Ukraine}, White Russia, and northern Germany).

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Great research. I've struggled hard to understand the political environment myself. The answers become a little clearer with these accounts of individuals.

If you haven't seen it, I very much recommend Amir Bar-Lev's documentary film, "The Tilman Story." I think the difference between then and now is that although Tilman succumbed to some of the same radicalization forces, he and his family "wised up" relatively quickly. The film depicts an America where a willingness to question the official narrative was stronger. The stoic bravery and stubborn morality of his family -- what true patriotism looks like -- is almost unbelievable seen amidst the conditions we have today.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli


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