Jun 24Liked by John Varoli

Note there is a sense of urgency in these attacks, there is a deadline most uninitiated observers don’t realize exists.

It’s looking very much like Trump’s going to win the election this year.

He has already promised to take down the Deep State scumbags and their system who are also behind these attacks.

They can’t cheat their way to victory this time, too many people see what’s happening and how the system works.

These globalist scum NEED WW3 to kick off to delay/postpone the election, they’ve tried to take down Trump and MAGA using almost everything they know how to use and still can’t stop Trump’s momentum, they need an emergency declaration of war to have the power to keep the Biden puppet regime in place.

Trump has promised peace and I think he’ll deliver on these promises.

We all know what will happen to the Military-Industrial-Banker Complex when Trump gets in power, their days literally are numbered.

Look at the panic within the ranks of the the globalists, the EU political structure has been turned upside down, the return of Farage on the UK political stage, the globalist puppets like Macron, Sunak and Scholz have been punished at the polls.

They NEED WW3 to kick off badly and they need it before November comes, it’s a matter of life and death for [them].

Unfortunately for them they will fail, it’s already too late to stop what’s coming, BRICS is getting ever more organized and the DS-CIA tactics are ineffective, color revolutions which worked in many countries are now failing.

Expect an outright staged event on a western city, killing many and trying to pin it on Putin and Xi, yes the Deep State is trying to ignite a situation with China as well.

But the western population are all waking up to what’s going on, you don’t see so many like Ukraine flags flying do you?

The population of the West aren’t evil, but they’re are or were very naive and brainwashed into believing the propaganda fed to them for the last 120 years by their so-called ‘free press’.

The end is coming… but not for us.

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Exactly, the liberal regimes need WW3 as the emergency event that will allow them to remain in power. Putin knows this and won’t take the bait. But I hold the American people responsible to a great extent. Here in the liberal Northeast, I’m seeing almost no concern about the fact that the regime has brought us to the abyss of WW3.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by John Varoli

What you’re seeing in these Liberal enclaves are the diehards and terminally brainwashed fanatics left behind.

Most rational and open minded people have left are will leave them shortly.

In Canada it’s even worse, there is a core socialist group of believers who still support our Crime Minister no matter how many scandals and ethics violations come to light.

It’s been the same way throughout history, when Stalin died there were plenty of his fanatical supporters who genuinely mourned his passing, the same with Mao.

The danger here is how unstable these fanatics will become, the more they think they’re in a corner the more they’ll lash out.

In the coming months I fully expect Deep State sponsored attacks on Trump supporters at these massive election rallies, they’ll use the most brainwashed and disposable puppets in Antifa to carry them out.

They need WW3 but a civil war will do in a pinch.

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Very good point -- "The danger here is how unstable these fanatics will become, the more they think they’re in a corner the more they’ll lash out."

And "Crime Minister" -- I love that!

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Jun 24Liked by John Varoli

I don't think it would be risking World War III to shoot down American spy drones operating over the Black Sea, and there's even a quasi-legalistic case to be made for it. The U.S. is not a Black Sea country and the Montreaux convention bars warships of non-Black Sea nations from a presence there. While the convention, written long ago, specifically bars only ships, it can be argued that in this new technological age, an aerial drone amounts to the same thing.

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Very good points. Thanks. But Moscow is probably worried that the U.S./NATO would then go after Russian aircraft in international air space.

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Jun 24Liked by John Varoli

I think you are correct. It’s very sad. And it is not who or what the American people are neither what we stand for.

Our Government does not represent us. Plain and simple.

If you don’t see it then you might want to get a new pair of glasses.

We need to love each other now more than ever.

Fracturing everywhere.

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don't forget Avril Haynes. DNI

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Yes. Thanks.

The full list will be long.

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very long (((list)))

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Jun 24Liked by John Varoli

I maybe off topic. Why isn’t anyone mentioning the fact that the role of the U.S. government has been the major cause of military catastrophes since World War I. When the British, French and Germans were exhausted and the Russians had their Revolution Woodrow Wilson decided to throw America’s resources behind the British and French war effort (though American bankers and industrialists had been supplying the “allies” since the beginning- that is why a German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania in 1915). Germany agreed to a cease fire because of Wilson’s 14 Point peace plan. All of this resulted in the Versailles Treaty (and others) which were a simple betrayal of Wilson’s. The role of American finance in the rise of the Nazi party is never mentioned nor is Truman’s statement from the summer of 1941. “If the Germans win, we will support the Russians. If the Russians win, we will support the Germans.” This is a key to understand post 1945 U.S. foreign policy. All the military conflicts of the twentieth and twenty-first century were an out Anglo-American control of the world’s resources. That was what British statesmen said by the 1890s to agitate for a war against economically rising Germany and the same has been said (and written) after the end of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev’s hope for a new and more peaceful world order had to be foiled.

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These are very good points. All very true. Thank you. In 1917, Wilson’s psychological warfare team (which included Edward Bernays) were able to quickly brainwash the American people into war-crazed lunatics. In fact, I lecture on this topic.

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Jun 24Liked by John Varoli

I apologize for some of the unfortunate mistakes in my post. Bad eyesight because of aging and brain running ahead of my one finger typing.

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Be well

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Thank you, John, for quickly composing your reaction to the terrorist attacks that took place in Russia yesterday, June 23...on the Sabbath! Heinous attacks on civilians and clergy. The bomb that killed and hurt many in Sevastopol carried NASTY cluster bombs. These are outlawed in over 100 countries. They are intended to maim. Such cluster bombs have been used by Ukraine for 10+ years to terrorize civilians in the Donbas.

The attack on a synagogue and Orthodox church(es) in Dagestan, Russia killed worshippers and a priest--he either had his throat slit or he was decapitated...I have read both.

Yes, Russia has to react, and swiftly. I agree that bombing NATO command centers in other countries will trigger the full war that NATO wants. We don't want that!

John, your suggestions for retaliation are good, and certainly show how cool and smart heads can save lives. We all should see answers from Russia very soon.

I will say that Russia is very protective of its people. They will act decisively in some manner quickly, so as to save lives from more cruel acts of terror.

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This is definitely a much preferable scenario to an all-out war. I do hope decision-makers in Moscow have already considered it or are considering it. Support for the non-West world is on the rise, there's no better time to ride this wave, the way I see it.

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