John, it's been a while since an email alerted me to this new article. Reading it strengthened the reasons why I followed you in Common Cause. As a CanaDian, I'm 100% in agreement with your Vision.

This being the 2025th Year in the Common Era of Christ Jesus the Jew, this World is upside-down to the Vision you project, like the inverse pyramids in the Israeli Stat of David.

The one on it's tip ready to topple over is the existing pyramid system in this Material World, with the $Billionaires and Politicians at the pinnacle,and the greater majority of Humanity on Earth trying just to survive and get by at the bottom levels of that pyramid system, holding up all the levels above.

As for the Star of David, Israel didn't exist in the Time Jesus walked throughout Roman Occupied Palestine.

With the Signs of the Times, Jews in Israel are expecting the 1st appearance of Messiah. Christians are expecting the Return of Messiah, and Muslims believe Jesus will return with the hidden Iman. So many possibilities!

It seems to me, God's plan from so long ago is unfolding in Today's World we can see, with the 2nd Jewish Occupation of Palestine and the Genocide in Gaza remaining to be healed all these Centuries later.

It's been too long since I posted anything to my Blog. This paraphrasing of the Biblical Genesis Creation story to this Day was posted on the 13th;


Jesus, Christ Alpha, was speaking to Jews 2000 years ago. The Christian Sect of Judaism was yet to come into being.

The Resurrected Christ Omega sees not much has changed Spiritually since Jesus said,

You hypocrites! The Prophet Isaiah described you well.

These people are close to me with their mouth, and honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. In vain they worship me teaching as Doctrine, the commandments of men.

Obviously, the Living Spirit of Christ is not addressing those words to those who don't believe in him, but to those who think they do.

I will share your article as widely as I can. Peace!

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Amen! Thank you.

And this has been my first article since Dec 23. I wasn’t feeling inspired.

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I've been in that space too many times, not knowing?

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Very well-articulated and correct. Although it leaves out all the crimes of the USA in the nineteenth century (including slavery and the virtual extermination of the Native Americans in the process of stealing their land), it does pretty well describe the other outside reality of the USA.

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Thank you. And Agreed. I was thinking of dating the American empire to the seizure of north Mexico in the late 1840s, as well as president Jackson’s war against Native Americans (1812-30), but for purposes of brevity I decided to focus on the global empire and not Continental empire. Having spent the past ten years studying US colonial history in the field (visiting historic sites up and down the East coast) it’s very clear that the imperial urge has been present among many Americans since the beginning.

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Would that isolationism were possible in this electrical storm reality that has relentlessly increased in speed over the last 250 years. But during this same time human beings seem as riddled with imperfections as any ancient civilization. And the parasitic aspect of personal and political power will require a truly powerful human renaissance.

In this regard may I suggest reading David Matthew Segall’s latest post on footnotes2plato.

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Thank you. “Isolationism” should be enacted in terms of military policy. The USA can and should remain a global economic force.

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Depends on what kind of global economic force you mean. One in which other countries are exploited so that every American is guaranteed access to fresh raspberries in the winter? Or one in which our economic thrust is towards sustainable agriculture for all the populations of the world, an end to fossil-fuel based climate degradation, and equalities of opportunities for all?

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Dream on. The empire is finished, no longer able to project military or financial power, and the fate of the world is not in America's hands. The fates of delusional American citizens are in the hands of its mad leaders of course as they have been since the founding of the fake republic, but the world does not care and will not come to Anerica's rescue.

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