It is rather sad that the most hawkish of the USA/NATO puppets are the German Green Party "leaders" (with the most militant of the warmongers being the German "Green" foreign minister Baerbock who has openly declared war on Russia and seems to revel in taking up the fight of her grandfather who fought so gallantly for Hitler). The German Greens are an embarrassment to Green Parties worldwide, including to the Green Party of Ukraine which has now been outlawed (along with all other parties that don't do the Heil Zelensky/Bandera/war).

It is interesting that the German Green Party was originally founded in 1980 through financing by Western oil companies seeking to inhibit the spread of the nuclear power competition, and those stooges seem to continue to do the bidding of the Exxon-Mobil tycoons (who benefit so much from the war in Ukraine and the destruction of the North Sea gas pipeline). The last time the Green Party of Germany had been given the foreign minister position in the German government, Germany got formally involved in the attack on Serbia in 1998 and sent occupation troops outside German borders for the first time since WWII; the German Greens are closer to Nazis than to Green Peace).

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I think Hitler's efforts to seize the Crimea were motivated by military considerations (that facilitated control of the Black Sea and helped open the way toward the oil in the Caucasus that Hitler never got because of his diversion to the rail junction at Stalingrad). There were some in the SS (including Himmler) who were interested in the occult and ancient history/legends, but Hitler wasn't a fan of all that according to his close advisor Albert Speer.

One thing about Hitler and the Nazis that makes today's German Greens even more similar to them was the emphasis Hitler's Nazis placed on ecology and a clean environment. From observing the rabid hate the German Green foreign minister Baerbock has for Russia (and her support for the fascist Bandera groupies), it sounds like Hitler's ethnic cleansing of unwanted human "pollution" is something that Baerbock and today's German Greens would probably support whole-heartedly with respect to removing Russian ethnic groups from Ukraine.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I suppose that the crazies about dark magic globalists force NATO to war to get Crimea. They fantasize that Crimea is the place of strength. They think that if anybody owns Crimea, he owns all world. The sacral artifacts of the first Christians, allien, and etc is known hidden in Crimea. But all like that are the delusions of the crazies. All world will never belong to them, even if they arrange an atomic war.

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"Мы, признавая обремененность нашего отечества самой разной скверной, должны однозначно гордиться тем, что наше отечество, даже в его нынешнем состоянии, оказалось на острие метафизического и исторического конфликта с абсолютными силами зла. Да, нам нужно избавляться от скверны, поселившейся внутри того, что нам дорого. Запад и его бандеровский приспешник-это абсолютное зло, а наше отечество, поскольку оно борется с этим злом, действительно находится на стороне правды и осуществляет пусть и неловкое, но безусловно спасительное и благое сопротивление абсолютному злу."

Сергей Кургинян

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