Not a Catholic so I can't speak as to the impact of this on the Catholic Church of Vigano's excommunication but Christianity in the West is dying and has been for the past 20 years.

Look the what's happened in denominations such as the Episcopal church, the Anglican Communion as well as the Roman Catholic church, the level of corruption and evil at the highest levels.

Then look at the coordinated attacks by various extremist groups and political factions in the West.

Let's face it, it's popular to hate Christianity in the West, hence why Francis was elevated into his position.

Ironically, Christianity is actually growing behind the former Soviet bloc countries and still remains strong in the old Warsaw pact nations.

The Orthodox church is stronger than ever in Russia and it's growing stronger in the countries around Russia, except in the more Muslim dominated ones bordering the middle eastern nations.

In order to rebuild the Catholic church it will need to grow through what the Eastern Orthodox church did during Soviet times. It needs to be figuratively burned down and cleansed of the internal rot and filth infesting it's structure.

Sometimes it's better to completely demolish a termite infested house and rebuild from scratch.

I mean, when I heard that the Vatican had their own bank! and it was a very powerful institution with billions in assets and major influence in many countries I was floored.

I recalled the scene laid out in scripture about Christ and what he did to the moneychangers in the Temple, now today's moneychangers OWN THE TEMPLE.

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I hear you and understand your pain and frustration.

We are the body of. Christ, regardless of who sits in the chair.

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Jul 15
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I can see that you’ve never lived in Russia. And are very susceptible to Pentagon and CIA media projects.

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Says the guy who engages in censorship of anyone that disagrees with them. You reek of Internet Research Agency bot farms. Did you partake in one of their training programs?

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Please research St. John Bosco's dream of the large ship, representing the Catholic Church, tied to 2 columns to secure it during a stormy sea battle and attacks from many other ships. Our Blessed Mother, Mary help of Christians, s on one column and Our Most Holy Eucharist on the other. These 2 columns sustain the ship, despite holes in the hull from attacks. Focus on Mass and Jesus in the Eucharist along with Our Lady to help lead us to safety. Never leave the True Catholic Faith. It may be ill and sick at times from its members, but spiritually, nurse the body of Christ back to good health by serving those in mental, emotional and spiritual need.

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To those paying attention, it was clear from the very first this pope was bad news. Rather than focusing on emboldening the faith of believers on the possibility and up-coming of a better and more just world conditioned on people living their lives in accordance with Christian teaching and Christian precepts, which should be the sacred mission of a pope while setting himself as an example----this pope have been not more than a political activist for leftist causes, and a mouthpiece for sexual and social practices and ideology contrary to Christianity.

He alone is the reason I suspended my Catholic inclinations until the Lord calls him up, and he gets reassigned to better pastures wherever popes are sent when they fuck things up in this world.

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