Jun 21Liked by John Varoli

. . Decency & fairness.. Knows No Boundaries....

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. . I, don't know how, to describe what, (:) Is recognized by me?

The VerbS, the AdjectiveS, & AdverbS - Str`AINing(!) TO Be [HEARD] . . are, SCREAMING! HATE at A-n-y - di`rectionq ; as, a Living Whip; that, is, not a Horrid - movie .. It Is Live.

and is relentless.

Ridley Scott

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Jun 21Liked by John Varoli

I commend you, John, for your fine encapsulation of history in the Far East~the Orient, as many of us grew up calling it. History of the relations between nations gives us a framework to understand and analyze current diplomacy and actions between these storied nations that are so far from our shores. It IS best to take time to understand relations between Russia and her neighbors in the past before making uninformed commentary now to current events. I especially liked your explanation:

"A central tenet of Putin’s foreign policy is friendship with all countries regardless of ideology; first and foremost with Russia’s neighbors. If certain neighbors, such as Ukraine, choose war, then they do so to their own detriment."

Friendship regardless of ideology...how smart, how respectful, Russia is to its neighbors as it endeavors to secure peace.

Peace is what the civilians in western countries crave right now.

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Thank you for the comment.

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