Sep 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli

The outbreak of WWIII will very likely go as you describe. But your final paragraph might confuse and frighten the average American re. possible outcomes -- which could be unhelpful.

In the current situation, the phrase "total victory" is very asymmetrical. For the US, "total victory" means unquestioned global hegemony -- precisely the "Dictatress of the World" that John Quincy Adams denounced. For Russia, it just means total sovereignty: Freedom to cooperate, but also freedom to not cooperate when terms are unfair. Russia is not intent on being "the only one left standing." She only insists that she be left standing.

Average Americans need to understand that "total Russian victory" does not mean Russian troops on US soil -- not unless the conflict is pushed to an entirely new level. The only ones who might need to fear it are corrupt elites.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by John Varoli

If the most people to believe in a bad variant of future it gets more chances to be realized. Never mind what an evil rullers were planning! Let's do not believe in the apocalyptic variant of the future! We should believe in the best variant of future if we want to give him more chances to be realized!

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Ukrainian militants will not organize the "Pearl Harbor" event of the Ukraine war. They or other non-US agencies may implement it, but US Special Ops will organize it, at the direction of US leadership.

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