Jun 20, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Europe's leaders are very loyal. Unfortunately, not to the ones that choose them, but to the U.S.A.

In West Europe there aren't people who dislike Russian people! The media, with their Ukranian war propaganda, of course necessarily making the 'enemy' look like one, because without it, nobody would have recognised Russia as an 'evil enemy' and nazi Ukranian as the 'good' guy, nor would anyone believe it a good idea for NATO and the half of the world to spend trillions and send precious people to death to defend a non NATO member in a conflict the NATO has difficulties with for years to start up a war for. Ofcourse is this theatre indirectly and inherently owned

by NATO USA and whatever imposters are there more? WEF? WHO?...but this is not 'the West' or 'the USA'! Is is actually only a couple of the same rich people, I guess 'the elite' of 'the elite', who, again and again making all kinds of shit up, in this case it is a war again, to get richer and more powerfull.

The West, and or Europe, as well as the U.S.' citizens, are at least as much threathened by this 'elite elite' than Russia, it only takes some time for most of those citizens to acknowledge that.

This elite elite is necessarily going to far now to remain in charge. They are in a hurry too, and that is weaking up the citizens they didn't serve at best.

The distance between the goals of this 'elite elite' and 'the people', is in my opinion bigger than ever, and, more important, has become too big to overcome.

So, I am really really afraid of the upcoming actions of this 'elite elite' to remain in charge, while not overcoming the gap in goals with 'the people': because one thing about this is for sure: only violence will have people cooperate to goals that aren't theirs.

Violence is to the 'elite elite' like breathing: it is their nature, they are good at it because for ages the are and remain in charge of the world by killing people, divide people, make hate grow etcetera. Like devils is what they are. The only reason why they don't do harm to people all the time is not because their empathic abilities, but because it doesn't make them richer or more powerful.

You are right that the whole world is at stake/ in danger as long as this elite elite people keep on functioning like today, with NATO WHO EU etc

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Thank you for the comment. As I go about my life, not far from New York City, I see not a single person concerned or even aware of this matter we discuss. And so, I guess this is the zombie apocalypse that we’ve seen in films.

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You are absolutely right John. Unless they get rid of Biden, he will do this. I too have been saying this all along. He cannot stand to lose. Besides he is a great believer in American exceptionalism. You heard him: the rest of the world is not a patch in America's jeans. He will keep that myth alive any way he knows how; and all he has at his disposal to do that now is nuclear bombs. He cannot win by fair means and so he will try to do so by foul. His whole involvement in Ukraine has been foul from day one. That is, many years before the SMO began as a result of his corrupt and criminal Ukrainian dealings. Regime change, biolabs, germ warfare, possibly even child trafficking and organ harvesting, both of which have been a part of Ukraine for decades. Now we find the bombing of the dam was to facilitate a breeding ground for the release of malarial mosquitos they have been breeding in their labs. They are an incredibly evil bunch - Biden, Nuland, Blinken, Graham, Burns, etc. the whole mob who have been up to their necks in this filth all these years.

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Thank you for the comment. Good point about “American exceptionalism”. Sadly, few Americans are aware that it differs little from “German exceptionalism” of the early 1940s.

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It in reality is the same belief John. Whether you believe you are genetically superior by virtue of race alone (i.e German/Aryan) or by virtue of skin colour plus place of birth, i.e. white/ USA - it amounts to the same thing exactly: belief in a superior race of people. I doubt many white Americans would give their black counterparts the same elevation of status. Someone like Barack Obama might pass the standard set, because he had a white mother, and his skin is not too dark? Whenever I read the term All-American I take that to mean white American born in the USA.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by John Varoli

I found your writing a few days ago and felt so relieved to find an oasis of sanity. I'm over my subscription quota, but your personal story from 3/20 sold me on paying to support your work.

I will be following all your posts, but I also would really like to ask one or two questions privately. If there is a way to contact you directly, hope you'll let me know.

An old Soviet joke:

A KGB agent is sitting next to an American businessman on a trans-Atlantic flight to DC. Eventually, they start to chit-chat. "So why are you traveling to the United States?" the American asks. "To study American propaganda techniques," says the KGB agent. "What propaganda?!?" the American sputters indignantly. "Precisely," replies the Soviet.

For all readers, Al Stewart, "Roads to Moscow": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjKajpMoUxM

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Hi Andy, Thanks for the message and thank you for the support. I very much appreciate it. And yes, that's my favorite Soviet joke. Brilliant!

Pls contact me at: jdvaroli@gmail.com

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Я согласна, сейчас действительно Запад не боится и не уважает Россию, считая её слабой, потому и надеется на победу над ней силовыми методами. Когда Россия была в границах Российской империи и даже в границах СССР, присутствуя в Европе в странах Варшавское договора, то США уважали и боялись Россию, зная что никогда не смогут победить её военным путем, поэтому выбрали путь хитрости и обмана. Американская пропаганда продвигала всюду, где могла миф об Америке, как свободной стране, где исполняются все ваши мечты,все, что только пожелаете. Этот Карго культ Америки проник и в страну Советов, во все республики, включая Россию и страна сама себя порушила, хотя никто не мог победить её силой. Украина в большей степени попала под власть этого Карго культа, а в России произошло отрезвление, крушение этого идола, Карго культ Америки рухнул, вместе с бомбами, которые падали на Белград. Советский союз пал, но всего лишь одна, но центральная его часть - Российская Федерация смогла остаться ментально и духовно непокоренной, признав и помирив всех своих предков-красных с белыми, коммунистов и царскую Россию. Именно поэтому она сейчас одна выстаивает против агрессии 50 государств. Но я боюсь, что Запад, поняв что её нельзя победить, как всегда постарается её обмануть, навязав невыгодно мирные переговоры или что-то в этом духе.

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Thank you for the comment

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Thanks for your perspective, John. As you remember, the neocon’s authored an article in Foreign Relations around 2000 in which they advanced the idea that the US could “win” a nuclear war by a preemptive, surprise attack. They never carried it out and now the world has changed a lot. Russia is now a very strong military power with a very capable nuclear ability. The Russian leadership is no longer asleep or controlled (I hope) and its leaders calmly state that a nuclear attack on Russia will be met with a devastating force. When Putin initially unveiled the Kinzal to the West an animation of a Kinzal missile was directed at Tampa, not Washington. I think he was speaking to the Joint Chiefs when he gave that talk. I think a nuclear holocaust is possible, but the bourgeois rulers don’t take unnecessary risks, which that definitely would now be.

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Thanks for the comments. And good points. I only worry that the elites in Washington do want a nuclear war. They remind me of the deranged pilot who wants to crash his plane simply out of nihilistic and suicidal rapture.

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Unfortunately, anything is possible. I’m hoping they will realize they waited too long and will opt to minimize their losses. The good work of many, including yours, is revealing their madness to increasing numbers.

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Mi vergogno io per tutti del governo italiano. Soprattutto dei voltagabbana che hanno rubato il voto a chi ha creduto in loro. Mi sento serena perché non ho contribuito alla crescita dei senza dignità. Per un posto al comando oggi, chissà che fine faranno domani

Dei "giornalisti" italiani. Non ne parliamo.

I giornalisti trasformatisi da esperti tematiche covid ad esperti di geopolitica.

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