We need to start testing anyone in positions of power for psychopathy.

We have the science to test for this personality disorder.

After all, we wouldn't allow a schizophrenic in those positions because they hallucinate. We shouldn't allow psychopaths because they cannot do affective empathy.

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yes, very good idea! And I propose that elected officials must be subjected to 24/7 surveillance so that citizens can view them at any moment.

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Disagree. It wouldn’t work or stop corruption and power, but the example would be used to justify putting all of under 24/7 surveillance, as we, of course, actually already are.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Thanks for the deep research, John! You found a wonderful quote, it's just a gem! The path to a happy and prosperous future for America can be found by studying its great past!

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Hello from the UK

Many thanks for your article. Re "Nazi Germany was one of the world’s most educated, cultured, advanced and prosperous nations".

It was also very morally corrupted in certain parts and military minded generally as Prussia was the main basis of Germany when it became united in 1870.

Germany is in fact the problem today, although strictly it is the Nazis/ communists who both arose out of Marxism. Marx was a German Jew of course.

I have been pointing out that it is also the Roman Catholic Church at the heart of the matter. 'Vaccination' is an anagram of 'icon Vatican' and the saying 'All roads lead to Rome' is all to true.

I have done this article summarizing the situation re Covid 19 if you are interested.


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Hard as it might sound: although there is much to be said, discussed, and analyzed about the impending demise of our nation, there’s not much to be done to change course. Not until the END is about to roll in and the curtains fall will the upper-classes begin to dream finding desperate ways back from there. Nothing anybody can say, however reasonable and irrefutable, can make the upper-classes and centers of power reflect and recoil from the abyss. If that were possible for them, the Roman Empire, the Spanish, the British, and Hitler himself would still be around.

I, for one accept that, as Nietzsche wrote, everything that deserves to die must be helped to do so. The imperialist US is far over-done and over-due. Thankfully, our nation can count on Biden and the Republicans

to lend a helping hand. And they are ay it. The uncertainty might “soon” be over. Although never soon enough.

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The US, my entire lifetime and long before, has been under totalitarian control. Whether it is exercised as a soft version, in which hard rules are relaxed, or the hard version, when the brass knuckles are brandished and used, only depends on the degree of class struggle the totalitarians are facing. But the totalitarians, whoever they actually are, are always completely in control. Right now there is a big push by these rulers to exert much tighter control and hence, they are baring their teeth and snarling because they want to intimidate any who resist.

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