Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Кроме того, это ещё и очень поучительная история, как бывает с трусами и предателями. Ведь по иронии судьбы, украинские православные иерархи, изо всех сил стараясь угодить киевскому режиму и его хозяевам, вопреки церковным традициям, уже успели предать своего Предстоятеля. В мае 2022 года они писали: "Выражаем несогласие с позицией Патриарха Московского и Всея Руси Кирилла по поводу войны в Украине ", они полностью отреклись от РПЦ, которая бы их конечно же всегда простила и облизала, как и правительство РФ, между прочим, никто бы их пальцем не тронул, а вот Зеленский их гонит, как собак. Кроме того они уже передали часть святынь ПЦУ, надеясь на то, что киевский режим Зеленского станет к ним благосклоннее. А теперь они вдруг возопили, что Апокалипсис начинается с Украины. Смешные, они забыли, что предательство предателей не есть Апокалипсис, это обычная жизнь в 3 д реальности, все как всегда, история повторяется.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Back at the very beginning of this war, a learned friend (who used to live in Eastern Europe as a child) made a suggestion that this was to be a continuation of the Syrian war. In other words, another war about a gas pipeline(s). That comment was so poignant that it has remained at the forefront of my mind throughout.

For those of us who followed the Syrian war, we are aware it began because the Western coalition wanted to build a pipeline from Saudi (2nd largest gas reserves in the world) & Qatar into Israel, through Syria and Turkey, to thereby counter cheap Russian gas and Nordstream 1, which came online in 2011.

The Syrian war was never won by the coalllition of course, even though it provided a steady stream of profit for western military industries, and the corruption that goes hand in hand with wars. Not least, the U.S. military was tasked with protecting the illegal theft of Syrian oil, which as Trump promised, continues to this day.

Not winning the Syrian war, added to the Western leaders' hatred of Russia and ultimately to the Biden administration's decision to bring about the destruction of the Nordstream pipelines.

I for one applaud the truth revealed by you, Seymour Hersch. In the world today, it takes courage in a man to do what you have, but I recognised this when you dropped your literary bombshell about who is responsible.

It is clear you deeply understand the importance of truth, as empowerment for humanity to create a better future for all younger generations. Thank you for being a great example of what it is to be a human. I and millions of others now and in future, no doubt - are inspired by what you are doing.

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Very good points. Thank you.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by John Varoli

Thank you for a very interesting research and an excellent article, John!

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You are most welcome! Thank you for your comment.

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Tnx 😔

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