Jul 15Liked by John Varoli

In a duopoly, how does it matter who is the President since Oligarchs still run the show?

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Good point, but Trump is the only national figure who is willing and able to grab the Deep State by the horns. Yes, he's an oligarch, but one that has gone renegade. And by some chance he's not sincere, then we are doomed.

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During the early days of Ukraine Russia conflict DELIBERATELY provoked by NATO (US) Matt Taibbi mentioned your substack in one of his twitter feeds, and that led me to a very fortuitous finding of you as a writer with very astute analysis. Have followed you ever since. But on this one I guess we would agree to disagree. I think Trump is the 'swamp' as amply illustrated by his first term; from populating his whole cabinet with professional DC swamp creatures, tax cuts to the Oligarchs, drone warfare, bombing campaigns, assassination of Suleimani, and countless other examples, prosecuting Julian Assange etc..I think he is quintessential Deep state character with unmatched skill to distract the public with his theatrics with one hand, and stabbing them at the back with the other hand. Biden proved to be even more than what Trump was feared for. So either way, I think we are in for some pretty tough times. His VP choice, an ardent zionist, further makes it certain that we headed for dark period. Sorry for the long post. But thanks for reading!

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Sadly, we only have to look at Trump's record to know he is not the answer we seek. (2 minutes, please watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0gDNCYP8pA

As the mother of a vaccine-injured child who has worked with Children's Health Defense, in my humble opinion, RFK, Jr., is the best shot our country has. It is comforting to see him doing so well in the polls with all audiences other than baby boomers (who won't listen to podcast interviews but only to sound bytes on main-stream media). Please see my comment below (a couple of comments down). Thank you.

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I'd like to know why so many people in military fatigues with long arms ready were there?

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Yes, good question.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Trump had a chance to save the country the first time around and instead filled the swamp with big pharma execs, etc. Horrible that he was a target of assassination. But that does not change the fact that he cancelled the Vaccine Safety Commission after one meeting when Pfizer donated $1M toward his Inaugural Ball. Nor that he kept Fauci on when Trump was cured of COVID by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who, if put in front of a microphone, would have stopped the COVID "pandemic" with one speech. But ardent Trump supporters suffer from their own mass formation, and no facts will wake them up in the same way that facts will not wake up many people who actually believe COVID "shots" are "safe and effective." This mass formation stands true for Biden supporters, as well. Facts make no difference.

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During the early days of Ukraine Russia conflict DELIBERATELY provoked by NATO (US) Matt Taibbi mentioned your substack in one of his twitter feeds, and that led me to a very fortuitous finding of you as a writer with very astute analysis. Have followed you ever since. But on this one I guess we would agree to disagree. I think Trump is the 'swamp' as amply illustrated by his first term; from populating his whole cabinet with professional DC swamp creatures, tax cuts to the Oligarchs, drone warfare, bombing campaigns, assassination of Suleimani, and countless other examples, prosecuting Julian Assange etc..I think he is quintessential Deep state character with unmatched skill to distract the public with his theatrics with one hand, and stabbing them at the back with the other hand. Biden proved to be even more than what Trump was feared for. So either way, I think we are in for some pretty tough times. His VP choice, an ardent zionist, further makes it certain that we headed for dark period. Sorry for the long post. But thanks for reading!

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RemovedJul 15
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You have lots of anger, bitterness. Please get professional help.

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Good job with the censoring of my comment. i can see you have learned well from your kremlin boss. Fortunately plenty of actual Russians don't buy into the warped idea of freedom through censorship. Something you have clearly embraced.

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Про кремлёвского босса это вы смешно пошутили))

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Removed (Banned)Jul 14
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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by John Varoli

If you disagree with Mr. Varoli's analysis, then either move along, or respond in a clear, incisive, and polite manner to convey your opinion. There is absolutely no need to shout (use of all capial letters) insult, and cuss. One wonders if this is how you treat every person you disagree with...why be so rude and disrespectful?

I wish that I could flag your comment rant

as inappropriate, and that your words

could be subsequently removed from this


You have offended me, as well. There was absolutely no need for your ugly entry. You should be ashamed of yourself...that you have praying hands after your handle baffles me.

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Thank you for your support.

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