Film Review: How the CIA Threatens and Terrorizes Children
Over 300 children are on a CIA-sponsored hit list in Ukraine. A new film has premiered about teenage writer and activist Faina Savenkova, whose 'crime' is wanting Peace and Freedom for her people.
The 1970s was a time of tumult in the U.S. as the public learned about CIA crimes across the globe, going back decades. At that time, before the rise of the globalist empire, the U.S. had a vibrant civil society and free press that could challenge the government, and the CIA was hounded for its role in many violent insurrections and grisly murders, and brought to heel by the Church Committee in Congress.
Unfortunately, the CIA learned the wrong lessons — it would continue to commit the same crimes but now more cleverly. At home, the CIA began to infiltrate, influence and hold sway over major corporate media and journalists in order to fabricate false narratives to deceive the public and policymakers.
Outside the U.S., the CIA continued to utilize violent and nefarious methods to threaten, manipulate and silence those who speak the truth (or would like to speak the truth). In recent years, Ukraine has become the CIA’s leading battlefield and social engineering laboratory, assisting Zelensky’s regime to end all fundamental freedoms, kidnap its own men for military service, and brutalize ethnic Russians and Christian Orthodox believers.
The Ukrainian secret police, the SBU, which are heirs to the KGB, have unleashed a reign of terror not seen since the time of Nazi Germany. The SBU’s cruelty even sometimes shocks the CIA, but the Americans look the other way because the main goal is to erase Russia and its people from the map.

In 1999, NATO began expanding eastward, and in 2007 the alliance set its eyes on the biggest prize — Ukraine. But the country’s Russian-speaking eastern regions didn’t want to fall under control of the Western empire. Donbass, which comprises the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, is a land of miners and steelworkers. A land of formidable people. In 2014, all alone, they stopped the greatest military alliance in history, holding out for 8 years until Russia entered the conflict in early 2022.
And for that reason, more than any other, NATO wants to exterminate the people of Donbass and their way of life.
Faina Savenkova is a daughter of Donbass, with an iron will and personality just as formidable as any coal miner or steelworker. Today is her birthday, she’s 16, and she can only remember war, being six years old when Ukrainian death squads and the regular army invaded and bombed her region.
The age of 16 is that glorious moment in life, full of promise, when your entire life is ahead of you. At age 16, Joan of Arc launched her crusade to rid France of the Anglo-Saxon invaders. Faina has no plans to lead an army; rather, her message is one of Peace. But she hopes to soon see a day when Donbass is rid of the Ukrainian invaders who are backed by Anglo-American weapons and money.
Faina is an ancient name and translates as “light” “glowing” and “brilliant”. Indeed, her sharp intellect, perception and courage have made her a beacon of hope and inspiration for many around the world. But others have hearts of darkness and would like to kill her. Such people are supported by the U.S. Government.
On the occasion of her birthday, RT Documentary — a small Russian TV company that inspires fear and dread in the U.S. Government — has premiered a documentary film by director Klim Poplavsky. He tells the story of Faina’s life and how her very existence enrages those who serve the Western empire, simply for speaking the truth about Ukrainian war crimes. Below is the film’s trailer.
In October 2021, Faina was added to Mirotvorets — a Ukrainian website and hit list that targets journalists and activists who tell the truth about the regime in Kiev. It includes people of all ages and nationalities, including over 300 minors. Mirotvorets gets funding and support from structures affiliated with the U.S. Government, such as the CIA.
Mirotvorets labelled Faina as an “enemy of Ukraine” after she appealed to the United Nations to protect the children of Donbass from Kiev’s military campaign. Her effort resulted in a wave of threats from Ukrainian nationalists. She asked UN Secretary-General António Guterres to urge Kiev to remove children's personal information from Mirotvorets. Her plea received no response. Ironically, Guterres was added to Mirotvorets for attending the recent BRICS summit in Russia.
At age six, Faina was already familiar with artillery shelling and airstrikes; by age 10, she was writing plays, poems, and stories about her experiences. At 13, Faina co-authored a novel about children in Donbass living under Ukrainian shelling that has been translated and published in Europe. Poplavsky's documentary film deftly captures her resilience and talent.
Faina lives with constant awareness that she is the target of a potential assassination. No child should have to live like this, but this is the fruit of U.S. foreign policy. Others on the Mirotvorets list have been killed, such as Russian journalist Dasha Dugina. Again, all of this is paid for with U.S. taxpayer money.
The western corporate media and most of our Big Tech companies conceal the truth about Donbass’ yearning for freedom and self-determination, which are rights enshrined in the UN charter.
Western corporate media promote disinformation and have blacklisted Faina, and won’t interview her. Well, they have good reason to fear her — her words of Truth expose their mendacity and corruption. Faina is a beacon of hope and inspiration for many people who dream of a world not dominated by the Western empire.
Why do they fear Faina so much? Because Truth is the most powerful weapon that can topple oppressive regimes. Truth is what liberal-globalist oligarchs and U.S. militarists fear most of all. Truth can ignite fires in the minds of people — fires of empowerment, a desire for freedom and to fight for justice.
With each passing day, Russian troops continue to advance and obliterate NATO-equipped and funded Ukrainian troops. Kiev’s forces are demoralized, disorganized and nearly destroyed. The light of Victory is visible. The Western empire will soon face the same fate as its predecessor, the Third Reich, as it totters on the abyss of financial, economic and social disintegration.
Zelensky’s regime will most likely collapse in the first half of 2025. The Ukrainian people might take matters into their own hands and string up Zelensky like Mussolini or pass judgement on him like Romanian dictator Ceaușescu. Or perhaps the next U.S. president comes to his/her senses and realizes the futility of the war against Russia, and gives the order to be rid of Zelensky forever.
Meanwhile, Faina and every journalist and activist on the Mirotvorets hit list will continue to stand firm and stare down the Western empire and its Ukrainian thugs. In this match of wills, I’m putting my bets on the teenager from Donbass. Faina’s story is a testimony to the indomitable human spirit that can’t be cowed or defeated by barbaric threats and intimidation. Sadly, that’s a lesson the CIA will never learn.
Very informative John - thanks for your work. You deserve to be read more widely. Do you consider immigrating to Russia? My wife (who I met and married in Kherson, Ukraine 23 years ago) and I are. Plan to close my remodeling business in the US in the Spring and move there or perhaps to an Eastern European country. We want to be with my wife's mother in her last years. We may end up back in Kherson. I assume and hope it will be Russian soon. My wife is fine with that. She was just on the phone with a friend in Kherson who is convinced it will stay part of Ukraine and can't endure the thought of it becoming part of Russia. Years of bombing and propaganda will do that to a person. Understandable. Hoping for a Trump win, if only so this stupid war ends sooner than later.
Excellent! Thank you for publishing this essay. Do you know when the documentary will be released? Thank you!